I’m fascinated by what you’ve written here about several different topics-- I’m archiving this one to dig into later, because i’m pretty sure I’ll be borrowing from it in some essay down the line. Very nice piece.

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Thank you, Karl.

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Thank you, John.

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David this is such a wonderful window into the world of you. Thank you for sharing it via small talk.

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'...television animation is often judged on a prejudicial basis, with people “assuming” they know what it is about...'

Yeah, this is very true in our society. Whenever we think about animation, many of us have pre-conceived notions about it. We don't see it as having much value and substance, compared to live-action content within the same genres.

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Wow, thank you for sharing this article with us over at the SmallStack Origin Stories thread, your perspective is fascinating! I'm so glad I learn about your publications name, and had the opportunity to hear some of your voice! 💜

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Interesting read!

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That was a deep dive, David! It's interesting that animation has been a teaching tool for you. I never perceived those advantages in that way. My brother was a huge fan of 'The Simsons,' and even made a plywood cut out, painted and all! I've seen the outlet of humor as a helpful tool in recent years, as a counterpoint to the craziness in the culture! A great read David. Thanks for sharing!

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